No of submissions

Number of Approvals

RECs Accredited

Registered Users


This is an online platform that supports the National Regulatory Agencies; NDA/UNHRO/UNCST and Research Ethics Committees in the regulatory oversight of clinical research to be carried in the country.

The system provides efficient reviews of research and provides the researcher with an interface with the regulatory agencies in the data capture, data management, data validation, quality control and overall regulatory compliance to clinical research management processes.

Simple steps

Step 1. If you are a new user, click register to create an account. For users with accounts on Research Application portal, you dont need to register, procced to login.

Step 2. After registration, an email with activation link will be sent to you. Activate your account.

Step 3. Log into the portal. Does the study involve Human participants?

a) If NO - You will be redirected to UNCST portal
b) If YES - Is it drug Related Clinical trial? (Approval has to be done by Research Ethics Committees Portal before National Drug Authority Portal)

Step 4. Start on application process.

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